A game breaking exploit used to kill high level Mythic+ and Raid bosses within seconds has now been fixed on live servers!
Most known in the community as a Shadow Priest exploit, many classes were able to abuse damage transferring spells to deal massively increased damage to many raid and dungeon creatures. The most common and used version was a Shadow Priest with Psychic Link who would DoT all enemies with Shadow Crash or manually and then use a Single Target spell on a Critter. Critters take massively bonus damage and this damage transfers through Psychic Link to all the mobs, one shotting them, even on a +19 dungeon.
This bug likely first popped up in Patch 10.2.7 and was noticed by Demon Hunters with Ragefire, which was quickly fixed. However, Ragefire is AoE and thus could be accidently triggered by a normal DH dashing everywhere. Unlike the DH version, the Shadow Priest version requires a single target spell on a Critter. This is much less likely, if not impossible, to happen accidentally and due to the clear intent of single targeting a Critter, I think it's very likely that we'll see Blizzard take action against the affected players.
This seems to be able to be triggered by other classes as well using a damage transfer of Shaman's Lightning Bolt and there's also been a report of a Hunter's Aimed Shot that hasn't been confirmed. However, none were as widely used as the Shadow Priest version, but all should be directly trackable by Blizzard because you would have to single target a Critter.
You can find some of the bugged runs on Raider.IO, completing dungeons in 15-20 minutes when these keys are usually top of the line 28+ minutes.
Some groups are being a little smarter and defeating the key super fast and then AFK'ing so that the key doesn't stand out from the rest in terms of timers. But then, they