The heyday of PayDay and PayDay 2 kind of passed me by, but with a third game expected sometime in the next year, Crime Boss: Rockay City felt like the perfect opportunity to finally dip my toes into the co-op heist genre. At first, things seemed promising, but then the monotony set in, and the bugs, the bad acting, and eventual waning enthusiasm.
Yeah, Crime Boss isn’t great.
First, I gotta talk about the cast. You’d hope that with a line up of big names from early 90s crime cinema, the performances could only be gold, but everything feels forced and as if they are bored. I suppose it’s what you get when you throw movie actors into voice actors territory; they just don’t give the same performance.
It doesn’t help that the writing is cringe-worthy stuff. I felt like I was playing a GTA of old, with over-the-top clichéd stereotypes making the same jokes over and over, attempting to get a small giggle out of the audience.
Michael Madsen is the star of the show as Travis Baker, sounding gravelly as ever and looking like Madsen in his prime. Then you have Kim Basinger, Vanilla Ice and Chuck Norris to name a few, all lending their likeness and voices to their roles. I think the main offender has to be Michael Rooker – who I adore by the way – with his character Touchdown who, you guessed it, makes a quip about American football every five minutes. It’s cute at first but after the fiftieth time, I was like, “yeah we get it, you like football!” This, on top of the non-stop child-like banter really grated on me after a while and I ended hating a few of the characters,
In one scene, Vanilla Ice and one of his crew are repteated telling one of his groupies to “shut up, bitch” every time she interjects. Once again, it felt a little out