is bringing the beloved franchise back after its 4-year hiatus, aiming to take the iconic series to the heights of its origins. While the launch of is off to a rough start thanks to some technical difficulties, the engaging campaign and satisfying multiplayer gameplay have still been shining through for players. While it remains to be seen if this year's entry into the monolithic franchise will hold up to the test of time, 's revitalized progression systems are a great start in the right direction.
One of the best ways the franchise takes inspiration from its roots while simultaneously improving it is by bringing back the classic Prestige formula, last seen back in 2018 with. While recent entries in the franchise have had their fair amount of success, most notably with the reboots, one area of complaint was the new prestige system. While allowing players to keep all their weapons each time their prestige is great on paper, it removes much of the multiplayer's replayability, while not encouraging players to try new weapon builds.
While the new system has some significant changes, fans of the franchise will still be familiar with the overall style of progression. Earning XP from killing enemies, completing objectives, or finishing challenges, players will progress from a level 1 private to a commander level 55 to prestige. Throughout this progression, players will unlock a wide variety of the weapons in the game, alongside eight base operators and plenty of customization options that can be used in each of the game's modes.
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Taking note from previous zombie entries, the game mode will have its very own separate leveling system, with some customization options carrying over from each mode. For zombie progression, every Gobblegum will be available from the very start at level 1, with each additional level up to 55 providing