Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is the sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto series, and follows the story of Boruto Uzumaki in an era of peace. Set years after the Fourth Great Ninja War, Boruto is a story where the shinobi nations are allies and war doesn't exist anymore. Thankfully for everyone, Naruto Uzumaki saw to that. Although war is no longer a worry, that certainly doesn't mean that there are no dangers in the world of Boruto at all. A series without stakes and tension is bound to fail, after all.
Instead of having other villages and countries as enemies, Boruto sees the likes of the Otsutsuki clan be made into enemies as they're celestial beings described to be parasites who feed on planets' life force. At the same time, the Otsutsuki are deeply connected to a major criminal organization in the world of Boruto who are just starting to surface – the Kara. It goes without saying that the Kara share quite a few similarities to Naruto's criminal organization called the Akatsuki and fans inevitably end up comparing them to each other.
Boruto Chapter 67: What To Expect From The Chapter
The Kara is an organization that was established at an unknown time by a man named Jigen, their leader. Jigen then assembled quite a number of people from across the shinobi world to serve him and have them help him meet his goal. In reality, Jigen is just a puppet who is actually being controlled by Isshiki Otsutsuki, Kaguya Otsutsuki's former partner. Centuries ago, when the two came to earth, Kaguya turned on Isshiki and left him in a near-death state. Using his powers, Isshiki took control of a monk named Jigen and has been using his body ever since. In the present day, Jigen is just a vessel for Isshiki to carry out his will.