Writer-director Adam Berg (In) executed a new and exciting vision in the adaptation of Jerker Virdborg’s novel, Black Crab. Starring Noomi Rapace (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), the action-adventure flick employs stunning imagery with source material that is as fascinating as it is pertinent to the present. The cast is full of brilliant new faces that American audiences will get to enjoy for the first time and the English version of the film is quite seamless as some actors do their own dubbing. In terms of pure action, Black Crab may be the first film of 2022 to really offer something new in the genre and cinematographer Jonas Alarik is in rare form. Black Crab is a little long, but the movie is too cool to notice.
As Europe fractures into a militarized hot zone, Caroline (Noomi Rapace) loses her daughter in the madness and joins the new military as a means to find her. Once indoctrinated into the new regime, she and five other soldiers must transport a mysterious device across a frozen archipelago. Due to the war, they must covertly travel at night. Armed with vests, an unreliable team member, and automatic weapons, they ice skate over miles of river to their destination.
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The only real issue with Black Crab is in the last minute, which completely undermines the tone the film worked so hard to achieve, both musically and visually. Aside from that, Black Crab is nearly two hours of adrenaline that is shot like a Denis Villeneuve picture. Film fans will sit back in awe at every shot of the actors ice skating with assault rifles. It is with these scenes that make one wish Black Crab was released in theaters so they could be watched on the
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