Shipping is fun. It’s one of my favourite things about modern media because I’m a hopelessly romantic goblin who gains sustenance from investing myself in potential relationships between fictional characters. When they get together in canon it’s almost euphoric, with the feelings I and so many others have formed around certain pairings finally being validated by the creators. We can emerge from under our bridges and embrace sunlight again, the dark times are over, and our pretend romances mean something.
There’s a beauty in shipping across multiple communities that I’ll need to delve into further at a later date, especially since so many shows and games I cover seem to roam in circles that embrace such things with open arms. But today, I want to talk about a pairing that will likely never see the light of day in canon, and even pitching it to you will raise a bunch of eyebrows as you think I’m weird for even entertaining such a sapphic combination. Hear me out though, I promise it’s perfect.
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Ash’s mother and Team Rocket’s Jessie should totally get together. They could be the ultimate duo of anime mommies making the world a better place with their saccharine queer relationship while leaving Mr. Mime out in the cold. It’s perfect, especially when you consider their bond with Ash and divergent character dynamics that would match together so well in a romantic context. Delia Ketchum is caring, soft-spoken, and has a cheeky side she only ever lets surface when appropriate. I can see that element of her character coming alive with a partner like Jessie who enables her occasional bouts of mischief.
Our protagonist’s dad didn’t leave or die, he was never around because good