Anime Blade Universe is an anime-based game available on the Roblox platform. Previously titled Kill To Save Anime Girl, the game’s main objective is to fight a plethora of different anime characters to save the girl.
Although conquesting in the game might be a tough job, there are codes available which can net players free rewards. These rewards are mainly in the form of Gems, which is a vital in-game currency.
Related: Strongman Smash Codes
Anime Blade Universe codes List Anime Blade Universe working codesThese are the active Epic Heroes codes.
animeblade – Claim 25k Gems KTSAG –Claim 5k Gems titan –Claim 10k Gems demon –Claim 3k Gems pvp –Claim 6k Gems JOJO –Claim 2k Gems Anime Blade Universe expired codesCurrently, there are no expired codes for the game.
How to redeem Anime Blade Universe codesTo redeem codes in Anime Blade Universe, follow the below-mentioned steps.
Launch the game on your device. On the left side of the screen, click on the Codes option. Enter the code in the empty box and click on ‘Submit’ to claim the reward. How can you get more Anime Blade Universe codes?Joining the Anime Blade Universe Discord Server will help you stay in touch with all the game updates. Alternatively, you can bookmark this page, as we will update the article as soon as new codes surface.
Why are my Anime Blade Universe codes not working?There could be various reasons for a code not working in the game. First and foremost, make sure that there are no typos in the code. Additionally, check the code for any case-sensitive mistakes or if it’s copied incorrectly.
How to get more rewards in Anime Blade Universe?There is a daily wheel spin feature in the game, which can net you various rewards, so make you log in daily.