An impressive Animal Crossing: New Horizons build recreates the iconic wrestler scene from Sam Raimi's original Spider-Man film. The 2002 classic saw Tobey Maguire star as the web-slinging hero in a beloved adaptation of the character's timeless origin story. Now, using the tools available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, one player has brought one of Spider-Man's most spectacular scenes to life.
As the first version of the character to hit the big screen, the Sam Raimi version of Spider-Man has a long history of video game appearances. An interactive adaptation of the first film was released back in 2002, with Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe lending their voices to the expanded retelling of the blockbuster plot. 2004's Spider-Man 2, meanwhile, is still regarded as a masterpiece after delivering an open-world superhero experience for fans to enjoy. Like its predecessor the game expanded the plot of Raimi's Spider-Man 2 film, focusing on Doctor Octopus while also introducing new villains like Rhino and Mysterio. The conclusion of the Raimi trilogy brought an end to games based on Maguire's portrayal of the friendly neighborhood hero, though a Spider-Man 4 game leak recently revealed that another game was in development before the fourth film's cancellation.
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Reddit user gogetahaircut recently shared an amazing Animal Crossing: New Horizons build that pays homage to Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. The project recreates the film's wrestling scene, which sees Peter Parker enter a brutal cage match against the boisterous Bonesaw. «Macho Man» Randy Savage's portrayal of Bonesaw, and the witty banter dished out by Tobey Maguire, makes the scene a