Alan Wake 2 is a tale about the outrageous horror story Alan is writing, and much of it comes to life in Bright Falls because of the Dark Place. There are Manuscript Pages that you can find that detail significant parts of the story, and several appear in Bright Falls.
These Manuscript Pages are scattered throughout your entire playthrough, and tracking them down can take time. When you find them, you’ll get a glimpse at the larger story happening in Alan Wake 2, and you might even be able to piece together some additional information in Saga’s Mind Place. Here’s what you need to know about all Manuscript Page locations at Bright Falls in Alan Wake 2.
Related: All Lunch Box Locations at Watery in Alan Wake 2
There are several pages you will need to track down during your time in Alan Wake 2. Many of these Manuscript Pages are provided to you in the story so you can learn about certain things, such as more evidence in one of your cases, or to provide context to what’s happening. However, many Manuscript Pages will merely appear on the ground as you go through the story, and they can be easily missed if you’re not careful. There are a lot more Manuscript Pages for you to find compared to the Nursery Rhymes, Lunch Boxes, or the Cult Stashes.
The Manuscript Pages do not provide a bonus for Saga or any weapon upgrades, but they expand the story in Alan Wake 2. If you miss out on these, there might be holes in the plot or something missing in the story if you don’t find them. I do recommend going out of your way to find them, especially if the main narrative does not go out of its way to give it to you, enriching your experience playing Alan Wake 2.
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