The terrifying and deadly creatures in the Alien franchise known as Xenomorphs have been described as the perfect organism. Each is supposedly an unrivaled killing machine that has never shown any kind of emotion — only logical and brutal actions that ensure the continuation of its own species. However, in one of the most unsettling Alien stories ever created, one Xenomorph proves that the species is capable of showing empathy and concern for something outside of themselves or their own race, proving that they are much more human than fans ever guessed.
In Aliens: Music of the Spears #3 by Chet Williamson and Tim Hamilton, a musician named Damon has captured a Xenomorph and placed it in a cage in order to record its screams for a new record he’s working on. While Damon has captured screams of pleasure, excitement, and physical pain, he is missing a specific sound which he longs to hear: the sound of Xenomorphs expressing empathetic distress and loss. The story takes place in the Dark Horse Comics Aliens continuity.
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Initially Damon believes his desire is an unachievable feat, as Xenomorphs have never shown signs of empathy even for their own kind, but an opportunity presents itself. One of the scientists working with him, Darcy Vance, has acted as one Xenomorph's primary caregiver, and Damon concludes that if the perfect predator can care for anyone, it will care for her. Damon locks Vance in the Xenomorph’s cage to see how the creature reacts, all with his sound recorder prepped and ready. When the Xenomorph approaches, it does so slowly and with care rather than immediately pouncing on its prey. In fact, the Xenomorph never makes a move