Batman Begins, the first film in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, featured multiple villains for Gotham City's protector to fight. Every new incarnation of Batman, whether live-action or animated, tends to at least flashback to the night Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered, setting in motion the events that led their son Bruce to use his family fortune to fight crime. While The Batman was more subtle about who killed the Waynes, Batman Begins identifies Joe Chill, and many other antagonists come out to play. Some of these Batman villains even managed to keep their roots all the way to the third film, The Dark Knight Rises, in the form of Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul's daughter.
While 2005's Batman Begins depicted the death of Bruce Wayne's parents, it also did something that hadn't yet been done on the big screen: showcase the early years of Batman. With Batman Begins, people finally got to see Bruce's time toughening himself up by willfully entering into dangerous locations and situations, then subsequently learning the brutal techniques of the League of Shadows. The Dark Knight Trilogy then followed Batman through two more movies as he took on Two-Face, The Joker, Catwoman, and Bane. The most recent Batman villains showcased on screen were in Matt Reeves' The Batman, and the movie stretched out to include famous supervillains like the Penguin and the Riddler.
Related: Batman Begins: How Long Bruce Wayne Trained To Become The Dark Knight
Batman Begins' use of villains that had never before been depicted in a live-action movie gave the film a feeling of freshness. Ra's al Ghul and The Scarecrow had yet to be featured on the big screen, and the Batman villains were given a proper introduction in the Christopher