One dedicated Starfield player has put 180 hours of the RPG into simply exploring every planet to the full.
Starfield player u/DoomZero on Reddit has truly lived out The Constellation's ambitions to the maximum. They've apparently surveyed every planet they've ever come across in Starfield to the full extent, completely seeing and doing everything each planet has to offer.
That's a staggering amount of work and dedication, and the player has the playtime to prove it. According to one comment from them beneath the post, they have roughly 200 hours in Starfield to date, and around 180 hours of that playtime have been dedicated to purely scanning and surveying every planet they've ever come across in the Starfield itself.
Apparently, they've got a slight trick up their sleeve for scanning efficiency. "There are 5 skills that help reduce the time and effort it takes to fully survey," they explain. "I think Astrophysics, Zoology, Scanning, Botany, and Surveying all help tremendously. Also Boost Pack Training with a skip boost pack along with Fitness to improve oxygen use are must haves as well."
They've got the entire thing down to a perfect science, which fits pretty well with their play style. Sadly though, there are two planets that are allegedly "bugged" for the explorer, these being Masada III and Beta Marae I. Apparently there's fauna on both planets that just won't spawn, rendering the player's quest to complete galactic scanning domination null and void - for now, at least.
You can read all about individual areas in our Starfield biomes guide, or check out our Starfield planets guide for all you need to know about charting the stars.