Amirdrassil Race to World First Day 12 Recap - Echo Wins RWF
The Race for World First is officially over! Throughout the race, Dratnos & Tettles have provided Daily Recaps of the events of each day — today's video focuses on the end of the race, with Echo emerging as the victors! Looking for livestreams, guilds to watch, and analytics to dive into? Check out the Wowhead RWF Coverage Article for the latest lists of streamers, raid coverage, and boss guides. The Race to World First is finally over, which means it's time for the final RWF Recap Video with Dratnos & Tettles. Yesterday's video was missed due to Echo staying up until past 4am local time in their desperate attempt to kill the boss. Little did they know that neither they nor Liquid both would be unable to kill the boss before going to bed. This decision was prompted, in part, by a nerf which came in at about 9pm local time, which made them think an already killable boss was now in danger of dying in their sleep. That didn't come to pass, as Phase 3's final dance was exponentially more difficult than the start of the phase, leading to several sub 10% wipes by both Liquid and Echo culminating in several exciting hours of progress while both guilds were at 1.7% best pulls. Echo ended up securing the kill first with only milliseconds to spare before the raid would have died to a seed! Dratnos and Tettles agree that this was the best Race to World First so far, and can't wait for the competition to continue in The War Within! We hope you've enjoyed this coverage!