Resolution Games has announced new details about its upcoming game, releasing on VR devices and traditional consoles. Back in 2021, Resolution Games launched, a cross-platform VR game that combined tabletop RPG play with card mechanics. Resolution Games eventually expanded to include non-VR consoles as well. In 2024, Resolution Games announced it was partnering with Wizards of the Coast to make a -themed VR game. Today, more details about the new game were revealed.
Resolution Games has revealed that its collaboration with will be called. As the name of the game suggests, will utilize 's game system, with players spending two action points per round to play cards that control their character on a virtual tabletop grid system.
As the official trailer description notes:
According to a press release formally announcing the game, uses the system instead of adapting rules to the virtual tabletop. However, the game will feature many of the classes, actions andlore of ,as well as storylines set in two different settings. Initially, the game will include two story-based campaigns, with additional campaigns planned as downloadable content in the future. Battlemarked will be available on a variety of platforms, including PC, console, and XR options.
Dungeons & Dragons has announced two new books set for release in 2025, including a new Eberron book and a new mystery book slated for October.
Unlike traditional tabletop roleplaying games, will use a DM-less system that focuses on social strategy to figure out moves. Gameplay largely focuses on figuring out the right strategy to use to get through combat, with each player having different combat options to choose from. Assumably, will use actual classes, with a Rogue, a Wizard, a Bard, and a Fighter visible in the first trailer. Additionally, the game will offer cross-platform support, meaning that players don't need to find three other people with VR systems (or non-VR systems) to play the new game with.
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