Created by Peter Bowker, is a BBC war drama series that tells the story of interconnected individuals during World War II. Season 1, which originally aired between September 29, 2019, and November 10, 2019, dramatizes real-life events such as the Defence of the Polish Post Office in Danzig, the Battle of the River Plate, the Dunkirk evacuation, and the Battle of Britain, while season 2, which aired between July 16, 2023, and August 20, 2023, focuses on The Blitz in Manchester, the North African campaign, and the Nazi occupation of France. If you are curious about when season 3 is coming out, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s all the World on Fire Season 3 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
As of mid-October 2023, World on Fire has not been renewed for season 3. However, series creator Peter Bowker implied in an interview that he had plans up to season 6 of the series. He told Variety in July 2023 that he hadn’t heard anything from BBC about season 3 yet, adding, “We’re at planning stages. It’s usually a case of after the first two episodes have gone out, they start looking at the numbers, and then there’s iPlayer, and then it’s about presenting and saying, ‘These are the stories we want to tell; this is how we think we can tell them.’ You pitch all over again, really.”
Bowker also said that he wanted to depict the American involvement in the war in the prospective third season. Given that the intermediate period between seasons 1 and 2 was about four years, it’s safe to assume that it will be a while before season 3 releases.
The cast includes Jonah Hauer-King as Harry Chase, Lesley Manville as Robina Chase, Zofia Wichłacz as Kasia Tomaszeski, Parker Sawyers as Albert