If you wish to be a great Wild Hearts hunter you must rely on all your senses, not simply your sight, in order to successfully stalk and defeat your prey. The snapping of tree branches in the distance to your right, the plodding thuds that send vibrations through your body as impossibly heavy feet meet the earth, they all tell you plainly that a Kingtusk is passing through the forest. You ready your weapon, testing the bowstring which thrums reassuringly in your hand. You are ready.
This should give you a taste of how the PlayStation 5 DualSense wireless controller makes each and every hunt in Wild Hearts unforgettable. The hunt begins on February 17. Keep reading to discover what you can expect when you enter the land of Azuma and take on the mighty Kemono.
The beauty of the land around you can be both a blessing and a distraction while you pursue your massive prey. Your sense of touch can help ground you, keeping you focused on your pursuit as well as giving you vital feedback that can make the difference between victory and failure. Whether you are using a Karakuri to evade an attack or practicing with your weapons in Minato, Haptic feedback will sometimes speak louder than the mightiest Kemono’s roar.
A wooden gate – somewhat past its prime – blocks your way. You begin to push through it, but it’s surprisingly sturdy. Feel the resistance as it fights against you before, inevitably giving way to your strength.
You pursue your prey, leaping over gnarled tree roots and rocks that litter the forest floor. It begins to outpace you, but suddenly you see a spring Karakuri, a sure sign that luck is on your side today. You leap onto it, feeling the vibrations (thanks to your DualSense controller) as if through your own feet,
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