The Big Three of Shōnen anime are epic franchises that distinguished themselves remarkably from their rival titles in the early 2000s. These Shōnen shows set the standard for most anime titles, infusing tropes and themes in the genre that are resonated by countless anime shows created after their arrival – to date. The successes of these shows contributed greatly to the popularity of the Shōnen genre, and that is why they are revered as “The Big Three.”
It is undisputed that The Big Three of Shōnen anime are the Shōnen genre’s leading titles. However, most fans have debated the possibility of the other titles surpassing «The Big Three» in terms of sales and popularity. Looking closely at these arguments, is it possible for the Shōnen titles to be surpassed in the next decade?
The Best Final Forms Of Shonen Protagonists
As an anime fan, you are probably familiar with the titles: One Piece, Naruto & Bleach, collectively referred to as «The Big Three.» A major contributing factor to the celebratory title, «The Big Three,» is a result of the smashing successes of these titles in the Weekly Shōnen Jump manga. The Weekly ShōnenJump magazine was introduced to the anime franchise in 1968. This magazine rose quickly after its debut and became one of Japan’s foremost anime-oriented magazines. The Big Three then debuted in the 2000s. After the successes of anime titles like Slam Dunk, Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho & Fist of the North Star, The Big Three brought something new to the manga-anime franchise, garnering wide-scale public attention.
However, what makes The Big Three so successful is the rise in the popularity of their animated versions. Although the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine popularized the titles, not everyone reads