The family tree of the Endless lies at the heart of The Sandman, which centers around the activities of Dream and his siblings. Born of a romance between Night and Time, the seven Endless hold a unique position in the reality of DC Comics. The Endless are omniversal cosmic deities, existing simultaneously in all multiverses. This is one thing that separates the Endless from gods like Zeus and Thor, who might have countless variants across reality.
As seen in Netflix's The Sandman series adaptation, The Endless are anthropomorphic personifications of concepts that all cultures agree must have an intelligence behind them. While the power of each Endless is vast, they stand apart from the gods, whose existence in DC Comics' cosmology depends upon the worship of mortal beings. The Endless are defined and shaped by sentient life, but they do not require active devotion or reverence.
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Each of the seven Endless has a responsibility tied to their offices and a realm they rule over that exists as a reflection of themselves. The story of The Sandman is largely focused upon Dream and his realm, the Dreaming, but does reveal some details regarding the other Endless as it unfolds. Here is a quick rundown of all the Endless and their areas of influence.
The title character of The Sandman has more names and titles than he does friends, but he most typically goes by Dream of the Endless, or Morpheus. The third oldest of the Endless, Dream came into being when the first sentient life began to think of things beyond simple survival. He usually takes the form of a pale-skinned human with dark hair and dark eyes full of stars. In addition to being the guardian of the