Meta owned instant messaging app, WhatsApp, is reportedly working on an important new feature that is already there on Telegram. Telegram offers way more features to its users and while WhatsApp does bring simplicity and ease in chatting to its users, there are many areas that it is still trying to catch up. Whatsapp has been quite keen on adding new features to make it more user friendly. From message reactions to WhatsApp group chat features, the app has introduced a number of features in the last few months. And now, it is likely to add one more feature soon. Let’s know what is this new Telegram-like feature and how it will work
According to a report shared by WhatsApp development tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is working on a new ‘Poll’ feature for group chats. It will be end-to-end encrypted and can be used by group members to vote and get results. This will help WhatsApp group members to decide the group members' views on some pressing issue or the other. As of now, if people have to decide something inside a WhatsApp group, they have to text it, and one of them needs to manually see and analyze how many people have voted in for and against it and what the results are. However, this new Poll feature will ease out the process. With the end-to-end encrypted ‘Poll’ feature, WhatsApp groups will be able to decide things fast and in an efficient manner.
Detailed information about this new feature isn’t available right now as it is still under development. The feature is likely to be first introduced for iOS users and then rolled out for desktop and Android users. The exact release date or time frame for the Poll feature is yet to be known, however, it shouldn’t take much time from now before users can test it on their