The best stages of fighting games transport us to an exciting arena. It could be a stunning wilderness, a ruckus crowd, or an ancient temple. What’s most important is how they set the tone of the fight and if the intractable nature of the stage is well suited to a fighting game. Let’s hear the roar of the crowd and get stuck in on what makes an exciting fighting game stage.
Arguably, the most important element is the graphics of each stage. There’s always a balance between being too simple and too distracting. For example, I hate it when pro fighting game players always pick the plain white training stages during EVO or local meetups that take me out of the experience. On the other side of the coin, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate‘s Final Destination has way too much going in the background that keeps me off focus.
The best fighting game stages have enough flair to be entertaining but not too still to the point of boredom. Duomo di Sirio is one of my favorites from Tekken 7, for example. There’s not a lot going on in the background, but there’s an elegance to the European-inspired setting. There are sculptures in the background and illustrative architectural touches that make it stand out. As the battle continues, you can punch your foe off the balcony, giving a more dynamic feel to the fight. The stage’s music is also exhilarating.
Additionally, the best stages show the environment’s culture perfectly. Street Fighter 2‘s Shopping District depicts a bustling Chinese market. There’s a cyclist rolling down beside the fight as a chicken flaps its wings inside a cage, a woman is washing her hands in a bowl, and meat is hung up by hooks. To give a more recent example, Street Fighter 6‘s Fete Foraine presents a stunning Parisian