The first look at Marvel's What If...? season 2 arrives at San Deigo Comic-Con 2022. Marvel Studios made its first foray into animation in Phase 4 with What If...?, the multiverse series that showed how the Marvel Cinematic Universe could look different if certain events were changed. The first season explored creative adventures focused on Peggy Carter becoming a super soldier instead of Steve Rogers, T'Challa becoming Star-Lord, an outbreak of Marvel Zombies, and Ultron collecting the Infinity Stones.
Marvel confirmed that What If...? season 2 would happen early on without many details, but the plans for the next season include repurposing an episode with Gamora and Iron Man that was delayed from the first season. There have since been plenty of teases about what other characters and stories will be included, with Phase 4 characters like Shang-Chi, Yelena Belova, and the Eternals previously confirmed to be incorporated. What If...? season 2 reimagining certain Phase 4 movies and shows also does not preclude the series from looking back at past events from the Infinity Saga either.
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As part of the Marvel Studios animation panel at San Deigo Comic-Con 2022, the first look at What If season 2 was previewed, including a shot where Captain America knocks the Time Stone out of the Infinity Gauntlet, beating Thanos. The scene shows an alternate look at the events of Avengers: Infinity War, this time with the Avengers' leader managing to defeat the Mad Titan — or at least delay his victory. The panel also included teases of additional stories about Odin vs Mandarin, Captain Carter fighting Winter Soldier, and more. Those in attendance also got to see an