At San Diego Comic Con 2022, it was revealed that Marvel's What If...? will release its season 2 early in 2023, and will officially have a season 3. Marvel's What If...? began as a comic book series in 1977, midway through Marvel Comics' second decade of mainstream success. What If...? spent its run browsing through Marvel history and spinning off issues based off of intriguing hypotheticals, such as 'What if Spider Man Joined the Fantastic Four?' and 'What if Captain America Hadn't Vanished in World War II?'. Though the original run of the comic series ended in 1984, it returned as a monthly anthology series on several occasions, and the idea of playing with alternate Marvel universes inspired prospective comic book and pop culture minds.
In 2021, Disney+ premiered its version of Marvel's What If..? as an animated anthology series that used a variety of MCU personnel from all throughout the franchise's history as their voice cast. Starring Jeffrey Wright as the all-seeing Uatu the Watcher, season 1 of What If...? explored a number of possible alternate universes for the MCU, and introduced variants such as Captain Carter, a version of Peggy Carter who took the super soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers, and an evil version of Stephen Strange who was corrupted by the Darkholde.The nine episode series had serious impact on the proper MCU, with several What If...? characters, including Captain Carter and Evil Strange, appearing in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Related: Doctor Strange 2 Theory: What If...?’s Guardians of The Multiverse Were Defeated
During Marvel Animation's panel at SDCC 2022, plans were announced not only for What If...? season 2 to drop on Disney+ during the first quarter of 2023, but for