Since its inception as an MTV prank show, the Jackass franchise has grown over the last 20 years into a beloved series of movies that each one-up each other in terms of both laughs and shrieks. The newest movie adventure, Jackass Forever, was joyously received during its theatrical run and is currently being enjoyed on Paramount+'s streaming service. But starting today, Jackass fans can enjoy the 40 minutes of bonus features available on the Blu-ray and DVD home release.
Johnny Knoxville may be known as the fearless leader of the gang, but his hilarious crew are always ready to keep a stunt going and get the party started. Screen Rant had the opportunity to speak with two members of that crew, Wee Man and Preston Lacy, about the audience's reception to Jackass Forever, the stunts they thought might have once crossed a line, and where the franchise is going next.
Related: Jackass 4.5 Deleted Scenes Teased By Forever Cast
Screen Rant: I just want to say I love this movie. But now that it's out on streaming, how does it feel for you guys to know the joy that it's brought people?
Wee Man: I think it's awesome, because we started filming this in 2019, pre-COVID, and we just thought, «Alright, we're working on a fourth movie, and we're gonna just put it out there.» Then to have COVID kind of put a hold on us… And we continued filming, like, «Oh, God.» And then wondering if we were ever gonna get it out.
As soon as it hit theaters, it was perfect timing and every fan has said, «Oh my god, I needed that so bad.» So, timing was the best. It worked out perfectly.
You can tell the time pass because everyone has a different hair journey that's going on in the movie.
Preston Lacy: We just try to make everybody laugh around us, make