A new Jackass reboot television series is currently in the works for Paramount+. The original show premiered on MTV back in 2000 from Spike Jonze, Jeff Tremaine, and Jackass star Johnny Knoxville. The show centered on a group of guys who challenged each other to elaborate stunts that generally resulted in severe pain for the performers. The show quickly grew in popularity and spawned four main films, multiple spin-off films, spin-off television shows, and even a video game.
The most recent film in the series, Jackass Forever, was released in February to critical acclaim and box office success, pulling in $80 million against its original $10 million budget. The film reunited the original cast 12 years after their previous outing, Jackass 3D, and enlisted the help of new cast members, with Sean «Poopies» McInerney, Jasper Dolphin, Eric Manaka, and their first female stunt performer, Rachel Wolfson, joining the crew. Jackass 4.5, a separate version of the film featuring outtakes and unused footage, is set to release on Netflix on May 20.
Related: Jackass' Best Future Is A Return To TV After Jackass Forever
Per Variety, a new Jackass reboot television series is currently being developed for Paramount+. According to Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish, the success of the latest film apparently led to the decision to continue the franchise by bringing it back to the small screen. Bakish explained, "Based off the success of ‘Jackass Forever,’ we’re working with the creators to continue the partnership with a new series, bringing even more ridiculous antics straight to Paramount+."
Although Jackass Forever proved to be a hit with audiences and critics, series lead Knoxville hinted that the latest film may be his last, stating,
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