In the distant future of the Marvel Universe, Venom unlocks the jaw-dropping true potential of Quicksilver’s speed, putting him practically in the same league as DC Comics’ Flash. Quicksilver’s powers have always been no joke, as he is able to move and think faster than nearly anyone on Marvel’s Earth. Because of this, he is often compared to the Flash as both heroes seem to be comparable on the surface based on their power types, though that comparison has always been laughable. Quicksilver can outrun a bullet, but the Flash can outrun time itself. However, after Venom reveals Quicksilver’s true speed, the Flash/Quicksilver comparison becomes a much tighter race.
In Venom: The End by Adam Warren and Chamba, fans are given the epic tale of what becomes of Venom in the distant future after the universe becomes void of basically all biological life and is overrun by Artificial Intelligence. To keep himself alive, Venom finds a way to recreate humanity using the biological codex of everyone he ever possessed. While that may initially seem like a short list, Venom is able to access time travel, allowing him to eventually draw on every living being, including the Avenger known as Quicksilver.
Related: Venom is Actually Completely Immune to Marvel's Deadliest Attack
Venom uses Quicksilver’s powers to compete with the processing power of the AI he's fighting, making him fast enough to out-think and out-attack the robotic conquerors. Quicksilver’s powers allow Venom to move and think so fast that it actually distorts space and time in ways Quicksilver was never able to achieve in life. Venom as Quicksilver was able to shoot through galaxies so fast, the hosts actually using the powers age in relativistic seconds, leading to