The Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is officially set to return in full capacity later in 2022. As announced by organizers CESA, Nikkei, and Dentsu, Japan’s premier industry event, which has been on hiatus for the past three years, will make its grand comeback this September, hosting a four-day extravaganza for both industry folk and the gaming public.
The theme for the show will be “Nothing Stops Gaming” — referencing the fact that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused a steady shutdown of industry events across the globe, including TGS itself.
“Over these two years, various fun events disappeared from our daily life, but games still lightened up our days,” explained CESA in a press statement. “Games will continue to brighten up the days of everybody now and forever — this year’s theme implies such strong determination.”
In case you still haven’t gotten it, the organizers have even banded together to write an actual theme song for the event, which goes as follows *clears throat*
“We had to give up doing fun things one after another over these two years. How many times we thought, what happened to our days? Even then, we still had games that kept us going. Thrilling plot twists, captivating and heated experience lightened up our everyday life. Games became our hope.
2022 is the year to show the real spirit of games. Tokyo Game Show has the mission to create our hope and beyond. Update our possibilities. Unprecedented excitement is always born out of something you have never imagined.
Let’s open the gate to the forefront of games. Give courage and enthusiasm to everyone. Show your love of games to each other.
For everyone to share the ‘great feeling of living in this era.’ Let’s dive into the heart of game craze.
Nothing Stops