TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is the latest game in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, and it features 31 trophies and achievements across a variety of platforms. Many of them are acquired simply by playing through the game, but others require the completion of in-game challenges or playing on harder difficulties.
Throughout TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, there are 31 trophies and achievements for players to collect. They will be broken up into sections for easier viewing. Eight trophies are tied to the main game, and through particular episodes. This also involves seeing the various game endings.
When it comes to the Complete Cast! Trophy, players must beat the game with all 7 characters. That sounds like a lot of work, but players can just jump into Chapter 16 with the desired character and defeat Super Shredder to get this trophy much easier.
A few trophies in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge are instead tied to Arcade Mode, and can only be acquired there. All three of these can be completed in the same playthrough with enough skill and dedication.
A small set of TMNT: Shredder's Revenge trophies are also only achievable in multiplayer mode, so players will have to play with friends or in lobbies. These can also be completed in one sitting, and do not require a particular difficulty. For the easiest time with Sharing is Caring!, players can cheer their teammate right at the start of the stage, thrice.
Some TMNT: Shredder's Revenge trophies involve secrets and in-game challenges. Some of these are particularly challenging, such as Cowabunga It Is, where players need to get a 250-hit combo without taking a single point of damage.
Doing this at the first level on the easiest difficulty makes it more manageable. These are some of the