Kakushigoto is a slice-of-life comedy aired during the Spring 2020 anime season. The anime, based on a manga with the same title, features an author named Kakushi Gotou who writes erotic comedies. Yes, you read that right. His most notable works in the show are titled Balls of Fury and Tights in the Wind.
Initially, it may sound like another lewd ecchi series that exists purely for fan service. However, this anime is so much more than the content that Kakushi Gotou writes, which ends up being an occasional throwaway gag most of the time. The main plot centers around Gotou trying to hide his career from his daughter, Hime Gotou, as well as the gritty ins and outs of both fatherhood and the manga industry. This anime isn't expected to have another season, as the manga concluded with the anime. The short 12-episode series is still worth your time, though. The author of the Kakushigoto manga, Joji Kumeta, even loved the anime adaptation so much, that he has reportedly said «Don’t care about the manga, please watch the anime». Don't just take his word for it though; here are a few more reasons to check out this wholesome slice-of-life.
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This can be seen in the title of the anime alone. Kakushigoto is a play on words, a mixture of the word kakushigoto (隠し事) which means «secrets» or «secrecy», and the two words kaku (書く) meaning «to write» or «to draw», and shigoto (仕事) meaning «job». On top of this, the protagonist's name is Kakushi Gotou, which is also a play on this, and is also a play on the word kakushigo (隠し子) which means «illegitimate child», and that play on words actually hints at his own backstory.
The wordplay is only the tip of the iceberg, however. The anime makes many sly jabs at the
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