ArtStation Magazine recently published a new Art Blast focused on the visuals for The War Within. The feature highlights several Blizzard artists responsible for crafting the visuals of the first chapter in the Worldsoul Saga.
Today, we're highlighting Senior Visual Development Artist, David Noren and their Khaz Algar Zone Concept Art.
Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: The War Within Art Blast
ArtStation: David NorenDavid Noren Instagram
Located in the center of the Isle of Dorn on the continent of Khaz Algar, Dornogal is the capital city of the Earthen Dwarves and serves as the player capital hub in the War Within.
Dornogal Capital City OverviewCouncil of Dornogal Renown
Located between Pandaria and the Southeast of Kalimdor lies the Isle of Dorn, the surface of the continent of Khaz Algar, This home to the Earthen comes with lush fields, picturesque vistas, treacherous cliffsides, and sparkling waterfalls.
Council of Dornogal Renown
After remnants of their armada were nearly destroyed by a treacherous storm, the Hallowfall Expedition of the Arathi were saved and transported to the caverns of Khaz Algar by the light of Beledar. They prothect their faith in the Sacred Flame with elaborate monasteries and armada of airships.
Hallowfall Arathi Renown
Beneath the city of Dornogal accessed via the Coreway, lies the Ringing Deeps.