@johncalmc yeah it really is a great game, just a shame that the general consensus on it seems to be extremely shady. Congrats on getting the plat second time around.
@BearsEatBeets @AgentCooper @render looks like they just patched this exact issue
Edit: except I don’t think it did… still can’t do it
Edited on by Voltan
After apparently precisely 100hrs, plat 115 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is done.
I've been looking forward to starting my Witcher 3 PS5 run so will get into that soon. Just might do the Rose DLC for Resi 8 first with a few extra trophies for the main game before I forget.
@Voltan yeah it sucks the update that supposedly fixes this exact problem doesn't in fact do so. Hopefully some people have fed that back to them.
@BearsEatBeets Well done on mastering a game that began A long time ago...
even if you should have held off for a day. May the third be with you
Edited on by sorteddan
@BearEatsBeets Well done although walking across a floor full of Lego bricks sounds less painful. And yes @sorteddan is right, you should have waited a day.
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