Soon, a new Simpsons short film could feature a crossover with another character from the Disney brand. The Simpsons is an animated sitcom created by Matt Groening, which debuted on Fox in 1989 and has since become the longest-running animated series, sitcom, and primetime scripted series in American history. The show, which is currently airing season 33, follows the adventures of a suburban family from Springfield and the wacky townsfolk they interact with. Over the decades that it has been on the air, The Simpsons has spawned a vast multimedia franchise that includes comic books, video games, merchandise, and the 2007 feature The Simpsons Movie.
Although The Simpsons is a Fox property, it is now owned by Disney following their acquisition of 20th Century Studios in 2019. Since then, the series has become available on their proprietary streaming service Disney+, and the platform has created several exclusive shorts featuring the characters. The first of these shorts was the 2021 The Force Awakens from Its Nap, featuring baby Maggie Simpson on a Star Wars adventure with the droid BB-8. Later that year, Bart was featured in a Marvel Cinematic Universe crossover with Loki, followed by a short where Homer went to Moe's Tavern with Goofy. Disney+ is also releasing a short called When Billie Met Lisa tomorrow where Lisa Simpson gets to meet recording artist Billie Eilish, playing herself.
Related: The Simpsons Season 33 Brings Back One Of the Show’s Saddest Stories
Screen Rant had the opportunity to sit down with The Simpsons showrunner Al Jean, who has been the solo showrunner for the series since season 13, though he was originally involved on the writing staff starting on season 1. When asked if there were any unexplored