The latest Simpsons short revolves around Lisa meeting Billie Eilish, and is creatively titled When Billie Met Lisa, and it bucks the trend of the last two Simpsons crossover shorts by being pretty decent, but I'm not especially sure why it exists. Scratch that, I know very well why it exists: it's an advert for Eilish's musical documentary Happier Than Ever, as well as potentially trying to appeal to younger Gen Z Eilish fans to get them to watch The Simpsons. But it all feels a little pointless, and a huge waste of what could have been a great episode for Billie Eilish.
The set up to the pair meeting is that the family are sick of hearing Lisa play the saxophone, chasing her out of the house - something of a tired set-up regarding Lisa by now. She ends up playing under a bridge, where her tune is heard by Eilish (and Finneas, who is there but might as well not be), who promptly hires her. Lisa, who famously hates pop music, for some reason bursts into tears of joy when Billie Eilish acknowledges her. There is a storyline where Lisa and Eilish, both weird and intelligent nerds, both musical prodigies, both raised as outsiders, feel like kindred spirits, but this is not it.
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Away from the storyline, there are a few good Eilish gags crammed into the three-minute short, even though she doesn't appear until a minute in and the last 30 seconds are credits. Eilish first appears with her hair in the neon green and black of her When We Fall Asleep era, then in a later scene is the Happier Than Ever platinum blonde with the sign 'Today Billie's Hair Colour Is:' flashing up outside the arena. Look, it's a visual gag that works better when you see it rather than having