From the New World is a strange yet compelling anime by A1 Pictures, Aniplex, and Sentai Filmworks. While somewhat obscure, it is a one-of-a-kind coming of age story. It also happens to be a psychological anime that may leave the viewer questioning the meaning of life. While those two things don't sound like they go together, there are other anime that could be put into those categories as well. One anime that easily comes to mind is a short series called Ghost Hound, which is another psychological anime about a group of kids finding themselves. Ghost Hound, however is more about ghosts and the supernatural rather than psychic kids and the supernatural. Another, more popular anime, in a similar genre is Madoka Magica, which is also a coming of age story that utilizes horror-esque techniques.
While From the New World is just as obscure, or perhaps more obscure than Ghost Hound, that doesn't make it bad. Many obscure anime are hidden gems. This anime might not be for viewers who want an anime with action all the time, but it is absolutely worth the watch. Viewers who are focused on the typical action coming of age story might prefer something like My Hero Academia instead. For viewers who are looking for more suspense and mystery in their coming of age stories, this might be for them.
Premiere Date and New Trailer Released for Horror Anime Housing Complex C
A coming of age story typically follows a younger character, usually in their teens, growing up and grappling with existential questions. Many viewers relate to coming of age stories as most people have a few commonalities about growing up. Everyone's lives are different and unique, but there comes a time in everyone's life where they question where they belong or the kind