The Making of Karateka is a playable documentary dedicated to Karateka, a game designed by Prince of Persia creator Jordan Mechner while he was still in college and released in 1984. It was incredibly ahead of its time in terms of narrative design, and this intriguing take on the documentary will allow players to experience multiple versions of the game, in addition to the story of how it all came together. Developed by Digital Eclipse, The Making of Karateka is the first entry in the studio's planned Gold Master Series, which are independently produced projects with the intention to celebrate the designers and studios which shaped the current gaming landscape. Last year's Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration was apparently something of a prototype, which performed well enough for further and more specific explorations.
Digital Ecplise describes the title in an overview thusly: «Discover how Karateka was made through an exhaustive archive of design documents, playable prototypes, and all-new video features. Like walking through a museum, you can explore the interactive timelines at your own pace.» It will include multiple entire versions of the game, including a freshly remastered take made especially for this occasion.
What do you think of playable documentary The Making of Karateka? What other revolutionary games, designers and studios deserve the Gold Master treatment? Let us know in the comments section below.
Khayl Adam is the second best video game journalist Australia has ever produced, and his ambitions of world domination have (thus far) been curbed by the twin siren songs of strategy games and CRPGs. He has always felt an affinity for the noble dachshund, the best kind of dog.
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