The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is set to add some intriguing new content to the acclaimed action-adventure title upon its launch a couple of months from now, with three Lost Levels – early development slices of levels that were cut from the final game – and No Return – a roguelike survival mode – looking like its most significant additions. More details have arrived on both, courtesy of the remaster’s page on the official PlayStation website.
The page has, for starters, revealed what the three Lost Levels will be called- Jackson Party, Boar Hunt, and Sewers, all three of which are from Ellie’s playable sections of the game. Jackson Party will allow players to explore Jackson in the early sections of the game, while Boar Hunt is set towards the end. What the Sewers level will entail remains to be seen, but given The Last of Us’ history with sewers, it should be interesting.
Additionally, the page also confirms that both Tommy and Jesse will also be playable in the No Return mode. Previously, it was confirmed that Lev and Dina would be playable. Leaks have also suggested that the roguelike mode will have at least 12 different levels for players to play through.
The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is set to launch on January 19 for PS5. Owners of the original PS4 title will be able to upgrade to it for $10.