My sister introduced me to Homestar Runner via Strong Bad Email #48 “Ghosts.” That was back in 2002, and I remember spending the rest of the evening watching everything else on the site. Then, I watched basically everything that The Brothers Chaps, Mike and Matt Chapman, put on the site from then on. became as much of a friend to me as any of the actual humans who surrounded me during my high school days.
But, exactly like my high school friends, we went on to do our own thing. Homestar Runner gradually became more and more sporadic, as did I. Every once in a while, however, The Brothers Chaps would emerge to release something new for fans. At one point, there was nearly five years of silence before it was broken by Fish Eye Lens. We check in on each other, you know? Show we still care. Whenever we reconnect, it’s just like the old days.
It’s always nice seeing my old friend, so I became extra-interested when Mike and Matt reunited Videlectrix to start putting out some really real money-cost games like Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate. More importantly, it made me realize I could use my tremendous press influence as an excuse to trick them into talking to me. Sure enough, after I snuck through some back channels to contact them, they agreed to an interview.
This is really just for me, but maybe it will interest you too. Just note that we discuss a lot of inside references here. I’ll try to add context through the magic of hyperlinks (and the Homestar Runner Wiki).
Your love of the Atari 2600 is infectious. I own Night Driver because of you. Do you play any recent games? Are there games from the last decade that you have really enjoyed?
We will gladly take full responsibility for spreading any 2600 love. We have an assorted pile of consoles in our office/studio, and the 2600 is the only one that works consistently. We go through phases of which consoles are hooked up to our big wood-paneled floor model TV, but the 2600 is always plugged