The spinoff series to Amazon’s hugely successful superhero series The Boys is due to release next year. Currently untitled, the spinoff show will focus on a superhero college campus with a whole host of new and presumably younger characters. Developed by showrunners Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters, the premise for the new series has been described as a mix between college drama and Hunger Games.
First announced in 2020, The Boys creator Erc Kripke suggested the spinoff would place a focus on the G-Men, another satirical superhero group that serves as a parody of the X-Men. Plagued by production delays and the unfortunate departure of castmates including Aimee Carrero, Shane Paul McGhie, and Reina Hardesty, filming on the spinoff officially began earlier this year after receiving the green light from Amazon. Chance Perdomo and London Thor were subsequently cast to replace McGhie and Hardesty respectively, joined by co-stars Jaz Sinclair, Maddie Phillips, Derek Luh, Asa Germann, Shelley Conn, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Sean Patrick Thomas, and Marco Pigossi.
Related: The Boys Season 3 Cast & Character Guide
Now, during an interview with Variety, Amazon’s head of global television teased when fans could expect to see the studio’s spinoff to The Boys. Following news of the original show’s renewal, Vernon Sanders was asked when audiences might be treated to season 4 of the beloved series. Admitting that he wasn’t certain, Sanders instead assured fans that the college spinoff would be debuting “some time next year”, adding that it will be “really great and satisfying.” Check out his full comments below:
“I can’t even tell you exactly when season 4 is coming, but I am excited that we’re going to have our new show, our spinoff