When we think of the best PS5 games, best Xbox series X games, or best Switch games, we tend to go to the big blockbuster titles. These experiences take teams of dozens — or perhaps hundreds — of developers years to craft. As great as those are, and there are plenty of upcoming video games that fit that description, there are also solo developers who manage to build their own passion projects all on their own.
These indie games tend to be smaller in scale but pack in more unique mechanics, experimental art and writing, and a level of personality and charm that is only possible when one person is in complete control. Making a game by yourself is incredibly hard, and yet we’ve seen more and more people release amazing games with little to no outside help. Here are our picks for the best games made by just one person.
Billy Basso not only did that with Animal Well, but also managed to do so without leaning on the genre’s biggest tropes. Sure, you are still exploring a map and collecting new abilities to access new areas in a non-linear fashion, but that’s essentially where the similarities end. The world design is mysterious and thrilling, and the puzzles are intuitive enough to figure out without being explicitly told what you’re supposed to do.
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