Sony has announced that the 30th anniversary classic PlayStation, PS2, PS3, and PS4 themes will be removed from consoles tomorrow, January 21st, 2025. However, due to their popularity, they will return.
“Thank you for the fantastic response to the classic PlayStation, PS2, PS3, and PS4 limited-time console themes, which will be leaving tomorrow,” reads a post on Twitter. “Due to the positive response on these 4 themes, we’re doing some work behind the scenes to bring these special designs back in the months ahead.”
“While there aren’t plans to create additional themes in the future, we’re excited to keep celebrating legacy PlayStation hardware with you all,” added Sony.
Themes were popular for both the PS3 and PS4 console user interfaces but are notably absent on PlayStation 5 with the 30th anniversary themes being the only ones available. Clearly, the tech is in place for themes to work on the console but for some reason, Sony has decided not to make any for the PS5. They used to be a regular occurrence on the older consoles with themes launched to promote upcoming games or events.
With the 30th anniversary period coming to a close, it’s odd Sony didn’t make a bigger event of it. There were no game announcements, no parties, no celebrations, not even a fan vote for the best PlayStation game of all time. What we did get was a free-to-play version of Gran Turismo, some soundtracks on Spotify, and a weird board game though so… yay for those?
Source: Twitter