In a new cosplay inspired by a recent Star Wars fan-fiction story, Supergirl is wielding a red lightsaber. Cosplayer @MaedenArt unveiled the stunning photo shoot on her Twitter account, showing the Maid of Steel corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force, with her red lightsaber unsheathed, poised and ready for battle. She also revealed the cosplay tied in to a new fan fiction story.
For most of her existence, Supergirl has lived in the shadow of her cousin, Superman. Unlike him, Supergirl escaped Krypton as a teenager, placed into suspended animation by her father and sent to find her cousin. Upon her arrival, she found her cousin had grown to adulthood and was one of Earth’s greatest champions; she would follow in his footsteps, taking the name Supergirl. She has not only memories of growing up on Krypton, but also its destruction. In recent years, creators have portrayed Supergirl with a harder edge, playing on the resentment she sometimes feels towards her cousin; during the New 52 era, the character even temporarily joined the rage-fueled Red Lanterns. Supergirl’s frustration at constantly being compared to her more famous cousin, coupled with the traumatic childhood memories of Krypton’s destruction, make her an ideal candidate to be swayed to the Dark Side of the Force. Now, cosplayer @MaedenArt shows readers a chilling glimpse of what that might look like.
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In a Tweet, @MaedenArt unveiled one of her latest shoots, showing Supergirl decked out in the uniform of an Inquisitor, a group of Dark Side users who helped the Sith exterminate the remaining Jedi left after Order 66. “Inquisitor Kara,” as @MaedenArt refers to her, is ready to hunt down and