The cosplay community has made some pretty impressive props for some of the best-loved video games. players have cosplayed as Melina and even a hyper-realistic rendition of Mohg in between some of the FromSoftware title's other iconic characters. But this recreation of a popular weapon may just take the cake.
As shared on TikTok by user kaypeon, ahead of her boyfriend's birthday, she decided to recreate the Blasphemous Blade from – despite never making a cosplay weapon before. ",'" she said in the video. She started by printing the outline of the weapon onto multiple pieces of paper and traced the necessary layers onto cardboard. After cutting those out, she used a wooden dowel to give the greatsword stability before using a putty to adhere all the layers together and build the base.
The final two parts of kaypeon's Blasphemous Blade build can be seen below.
After painting the base gold, using a clear tube with some wire inside, kaypeon hot glued the veins onto the body of the sword, supplementing the tubes with some veins of hot glue for dimension. These were all spray-painted red, with some clear nail polish mixed with red and black polish layered on top to add a multidimensional glossy finish. Kaypeon also made the various gems that adorn the sword out of hot glue. According to her TikToks, the whole process took about two weeks to complete.
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In players find the Blasphemous Blade when trading with Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold. By exchanging the Remembrance of Blasphemy (only obtained by defeating Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy) to the merchant, players can receive the Blasphemous Blade or Rykard's Rancor. For those who opt for Rykard's Rancor instead, the magma sorcery deals fire damage to enemies, exploding repeatedly as it tracks the enemy. It's one of the best sorceries in the game– but some people just