While Michael Scott was primarily responsible for many of The Office’s most iconic episodes, one installment in particular stands out as Steve Carell’s favorite. Although it’s hard to imagine The Office without Michael, the main character departed the series before the season 7 finale. Carell later returned in The Office’s series finale for a surprise Michael cameo, which brought memories of the beloved character rushing back, including his favorite “that’s what she said” joke.
Some of Michael’s best moments are the ones that are the most difficult to watch, typically because of the repulsiveness of his actions. At the same time, these moments tend to stick out as both fan and cast favorites, which ties into how The Office’s comedy continually broke boundaries. From the cringe-fest of “Scott’s Tots” to his racism in “Diversity Day”—which is John Krasinski’s favorite episode—Michael Scott is responsible for many of the show’s best gags, and none would be accomplished without the comedy prowess of The Office's Steve Carell.
Related: John Krasinski’s Favorite Episode Of The Office
In a fundraiser for the SAG-AFTRA Foundation on YouTube, Steve Carell answered that his favorite episode from The Office is season 3’s “A Benihana Christmas,” which is also a favorite among the fanbase. When explaining his answer, Carell recalled that Michael does an especially “gross” thing where he marks the two Benihana waitresses he brings back to Dunder Mifflin so that he can tell them apart. This is remembered as one of Michael’s worst moments, as he not only acts particularly racist by saying he can’t tell the Asian waitresses apart, but he also decides to cancel Christmas because his girlfriend Carol broke up with him. “A Benihana
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