The Dark Souls series led to the creation of the Soulslike subgenre, with studios creating similar action RPGs with a punishingly high level of difficulty. Steelrising is an upcoming Soulslike that has many of the traits of the subgenre, but instead of resembling Dark Souls, it takes inspiration from Bloodborne, with fast and fluid combat that rewards an aggressive playstyle.
Steelrising is set in an alternate timeline, where the French Revolution was thwarted by an army of clockwork automatons under the control of King Louis XVI. The player takes control of Aegis, the personal bodyguard of Marie Antoinette, who is sent on a secret mission to find the creator of the automatons, and use his knowledge to destroy the machine army. Aegis was originally designed to be a dancer, but she can use her incredible agility and precision in combat to take her foes apart in battle.
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The Steelrising demo contained two levels and a boss fight from a later point in the game. The player is given the chance to customize their own version of Aegis, which amounts to changing her skin color, wig, and selecting a face design from several presets. Her clothes can be changed later, once new items are found in the overworld. The player then selects from one of four classes, which determine Aegis' starting weapon, item, and stats. The Bodyguard gives her the Body of Work hammer, which is a slow, two-handed weapon that can be used as a shield; the Solider gives her the Gribeauval Halberd, which is a spear that has a powerful rifle-like ranged attack; the Dancer gives her the Armoured Fans, which are fast weapons that double as a shield; and the Alchemist gives her the