Beloved for its robust character creator, The Sims frequently lets players recreate popular NPCs from other franchises, including one fan who made the citizens of Stardew Valley in The Sims 4. Players have previously recreated Stardew Valley characters in Minecraft and other games, and this series of NPC recreations in The Sims 4 has caught the eye of fellow fans.
The latest mainline release in the iconic franchise, The Sims 4 allows players to create their own characters and direct them through various life activities such as developing homes, working jobs, and forming relationships. A number of DLC packs have made The Sims 4 one of the most popular entries in the series, and fans from other communities have enjoyed getting to make their favorite characters in the Sims universe.
Stardew Valley fan KittyBonJovi shared their gallery of Stardew NPCs recreated in The Sims 4. Players have adored the depth of personality presented by the characters in Stardew Valley, and fans frequently share artwork dedicated to their favorite NPCs. Utilizing the expansive customization of The Sims 4, KittyBonJovi reproduced 13 different characters from Stardew Valley. The Pelican Town citizens reimagined in The Sims 4 include sisters Emily and Haley, best friends Sebastian and Sam, fan favorites Abigail and Elliot, and Maru and Harvey from the Clinic in Stardew Valley, among others. Each of the familiar NPC's hair color, facial details, and clothing were meticulously recreated in The Sims 4, highlighting the unique individual features of the Stardew characters and the in-depth character creator of theSims franchise.
Fans of Stardew Valley were highly impressed with the recreations, with many noting how strikingly accurate the reproductions are. One comment stated that the Sims version of Elliot was «spot on» and others applauded the effort required to create near-identical versions of these popular Stardew Valley characters. The indie life-sim has been praised by many for its relatable