Social Stats in consist of three separate stats, including Academics, Courage, and Charm, each with a different method for increasing them. While raising Social Stats passively through completing other tasks is possible, this is not recommended, as maxing them out quickly is essential.
As players begin focusing on Social Links, many of them will require certain ranks in Social Stats before they can be unlocked, so delaying progress in Social Stats will also delay progress in other areas. Every Social Stat maxes out once it reaches rank 6, at which time players can focus their attention elsewhere.
Academics is a required Social Stat in for Mitsuru and Bebe's Social Links to unlock. While Bebe does not require it to be maxed out, Mitsuru will, and given that she unlocks very late in the game, players will want to be sure they do not have to waste any more time once she becomes available. Luckily, there are plenty of ways for players to work on raising their academic social stats while making progress throughout the game.
How To Complete
Study Alone
Studying can be completed in two separate locations,
Study For Exams (With S.E.E.S.)
This method of studying is only available right before exams. Studying with your party members can be done the entire week leading up to exams in the lounge of the dorms. This is a great way to gain a significant boost in Academics.
Stay Awake In Class
During class, you will have the option to doze off, but staying awake will permit some passive Academic points. This is an easy way to gain some points that don't require any additional time.
There are two different locations where you can work to earn points for academics. Jobs are highly recommended as they often provide points towards two Social Stats.
How To Complete
Eat At Wakatsu
All restaurants provide Social Stat points, and for Academics, it is Wakatsu. While only the traditional meal is available most days, after reaching a certain stat level in Charm, a