Respawn Entertainment's recently released Star Wars title, Star Wars Jedi Survivor continues the story of Cal Kestis. He's the young Padawan from the previous game, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, who's turned into a highly skilled Jedi Knight. Much like the first title, this one features an engaging main story, alongside an amazing cast of characters.
Being a narrative-driven action-adventure game, Star Wars Jedi Survivor does not waste any time and delves right into the game's very first main story mission as soon as you hit the "Start New Journey" option from the main menu. Keeping up with the tradition of classic Star Wars stories, the opening hours of the game are a complete thrill-ride, hopping from one set-piece to another.
Here's a complete breakdown and step-by-step walkthrough for the very first mission, The Heist, in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
There are several objectives that you will need to follow and complete in the first mission of Star Wars Jedi Survivor, which include:
Although the game is an open-world action-adventure (much like Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order), the first mission is quite linear. Once you complete the first chapter, you will get access to explore the open world, starting with the hub world of Koboh. This allows you to fully explore Star Wars Jedi Survivor open world and tackle the main story quests at your own pace.
Once you get past the initial cutscene and the on-rails section of the game, you will immediately be given control of Cal with his default Jedi Knight abilities. You will have to fight off against a horde of Stormtroopers, which is a great way to get a feel of the game's combat system.
After defeating the Stormtroopers, the game will transition into another cutscene that will take you to