There's nothing quite like the excitement of waiting for a fun package to arrive. If it's a surprise there's the anticipation of the unknown, and when it's a sneaky little self gift then there's the benefit of knowing the buyer had excellent taste. The sweet anticipation of waiting by the window for the postal van to pull up, and then the exhilarating moment where the package you've been waiting for is finally brought to your doorstep.
Perhaps one of the few things to top getting an eagerly awaited package delivered, is of course getting not one but several. Though this can be a worry when you weren't expecting them. When five boxes suddenly turn into 30 this is the sharp turn of dreams becoming nightmares, as one person discovered when Sonos decided to send them 6x their original order, or about $15,000 worth of products, and charge them for it.
The Verge(opens in new tab) has been reporting on a glitch affecting the Sonos online store. Many customers found their orders ended up going through multiple times due to a problem with Sonos' systems. This ended up not only sending buyers far more than they ordered, but also charging them for the orders. It's no surprise that people took to Reddit (opens in new tab)to try to make some sense out of what was going on, finding others with similar stories.
One customer who was hit particularly hard by this glitch has told The Verge of their ordeal since being sent and charged for 6x their already pricy Sonos order. While Sonos has pledged to refund customers for these glitchy purchases, it won't do so until the items have been returned. This is leaving many out of the lurch until this situation can be resolved, which is also proving to be a bit of headache.
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