Creative fans of certain video games have made it their mission to show just how good the titles they love would have looked if the studios that made them held on until Unreal Engine 5 was a thing. Or what the studios might be able to do if they were to remake a game now UE5 is at their disposal. Add Skyrim's Whiterun to that list thanks to a fanmade UE5 recreation of the area that has got players scrambling for the Elder Scrolls game to receive the remake treatment.
“I made Whiterun in Unreal Engine 5 – going for a more realistic vibe and (somewhat) lore-accurate scale,” liontowers3d writes on Reddit, sharing a good look at their beautiful creation. Plus, if you've played Skyrim, you'll know that even though Whiterun is a small percentage of its sprawling map, that lore-accurate scale covers a lot of ground. That makes it even more impressive that its creator took just a month to make this spruced-up Skyrim a reality.
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That begs the question, what could an entire Bethesda team do with UE5, and how long would it take them? Well, probably quite a while, but I'm sure the players in the replies to liontowers3d's creation would be willing to wait. Most of you simply want the chance to dive into the little slice of Skyrim the creator has already made, while others have been instilled with the want for the entire game to look like that one day.
It's certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that Skyrim might be on a shortlist of potential remakes at Bethesda HQ. Just about any game appears to be eligible for the remake or remaster treatment right now, even if that game has been on the market for less than a decade. The Last Of Us has been both remastered and remade