Originally known as Dragonriding, Skyriding is a transportation method introduced in the Dragonflight expansion that is being further expanded upon in The War Within expansion! Here's a short recap of what players need to know moving forward:
When it comes to Skyriding in The War Within there are a few important notes to make:
For additional information on Skyriding in The War Within, check out our overview guides below!
The War Within Expansion OverviewSkyriding Basics
Dragonriding was the original introduction to Skyriding used back in the Dragonflight Expansion. This system is being further expanded upon in The War Within, and with that comes many important changes that we will cover below.
Skyriding Glyphs will be back in The War Within. Originally known as Dragonriding Glyphs, these will be used to upgrade the Skyriding Talent Tree! There is 38 Total Skyriding Glyphs in Khaz Alghar: 10 in Isle of Dorn and Hollowfall and 9 in Ringing Deeps and Azj-Kahet. There are respective Glyph Hunter Achievements for each zone!
The new Skyriding Talent Tree has been streamlined from its Dragonriding counter-part. Here's what we know: