is the eighth mainline installment in the Resident Evil franchise from publisher and developer Capcom. After taking home several Game of the Year awards, becomes even more accessible to players with an exciting new release on iOS devices running iOS/iPadOS 17.0.0 or later.
This is not an altered, shorter version of the game created for mobile. This is the entirety of the must-play game , the same as the one released on console in 2021. However, not all devices meeting the system requirements mentioned previously will be compatible with the game. To ensure the best possible experience, it will only be available to those with the iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max, as well as Apple users with an iPad Air or Pro with the M1 or M2 chip.
While it is unfortunate that only later device models have access to, many of the compatible devices are a couple of years old, meaning most Apple users that upgrade even periodically are likely to have at least one compatible device, making it fairly accessible. There are plenty of mobile games worth playing, but there’s often an invisible line between what is considered a mobile game and a fully-fledged console or PC game. In this case, Capcom is shattering the wall between mobile and console gaming.
The visuals of are stunning, crisp, and easily comparable to gameplay on most modern consoles, and the lag is virtually non-existent. Players have no need to stress about quick time events or being hunted by enemies, as responsiveness will virtually mirror the player’s reaction time. Loading screens for this game are almost seamless, too, so the experience is a smooth one.
Despite being compatible with the latest iPhone model, this is the only device that likely wouldn’t be recommended, even on low